Terms of Access to the Website tactix-store.gr:
The website tactix-store.gr is headquartered at Lakka Mavro Lithari, P.C. 19013, Anavyssos, with GEMI registration number: 176670001000. By using the website tactix-store.gr, you unreservedly agree to all the terms outlined below. Your access to the website is subject to both its policy and applicable legal provisions.
The content of the website and the Website Space is the intellectual property of tactix-store.gr. Any information (text, images, graphics) included on this website may only be used for personal, non-commercial use, unless otherwise provided by law. It is illegal to copy, reproduce, or modify any part or the entirety of the content of the Website Space and the website without the prior written consent of tactix-store.gr.
The Website Space of tactix-store.gr includes information regarding the products and services of tactix-store.gr, as well as promotional programs.
All trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed on this Website Space are the property of tactix-store.gr. The use, copying, or distribution of these without the written permission of tactix-store.gr is strictly prohibited.
User Responsibility:
The user of the pages and services of this website is responsible for any damage caused to the network through improper or unlawful use of the related services.
Limitation of Liability:
Tactix-store.gr makes every effort to accurately depict the products it offers through the display of photos, descriptions, and specific comments. However, this website may contain errors (typographical, numerical, or imaging). Tactix-store.gr does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the images and descriptions or the reliability of any advice, opinion, statement, or other information referenced or available on this Website. Nor does it guarantee that the pages, services, options, and content will be provided without interruption, though it guarantees that any errors or mistakes will be corrected immediately once identified (we would appreciate your assistance in this regard).
In any circumstances, even in cases of negligence, tactix-store.gr is not liable for any damage suffered by the user of the pages, services, options, and content of tactix-store.gr, which they have accessed on their own initiative and with knowledge of these terms of use.
This website does not guarantee that it or any other affiliated sites or the servers through which they are made available are free of viruses. However, we use one of the best servers in the world, protected with the top antivirus program against any form of virus.
Links to Other Sites:
Tactix-store.gr cannot control the availability, content, privacy policies, or quality of the services of other websites and pages to which it may refer you via “links,” hyperlinks, or advertising banners. Therefore, for any issue that may arise during their use, you should contact the corresponding sites and pages directly, which bear sole responsibility for their service provision. Tactix-store.gr in no case shall be considered to endorse the content or services of the sites and pages to which it refers and is not associated with them in any other way.
Use of Email:
The process of providing and using an email address by the network to service users is governed by these terms. If a user disagrees with these terms, please do not activate the process of providing an email address through the network. After submitting their details, the user must then select a password for their email address. The holder of the email address provided by the network is responsible for any use of it and the content of their messages. The network cannot be held responsible for actions related to the use of the email address by the holder. The holder is required to immediately notify the network of any unauthorized use of their email address by a third party, as well as any other case of breach of their email account. The network maintains a file with the email addresses and may send informational messages to the holders of the email addresses unless they do not wish to receive such messages. The network reserves the right to exclude any person from receiving an email address and to terminate this provision in the event of a breach of the terms.
Privacy Protection:
The management and protection of the personal data of the user of tactix-store.gr are subject to the provisions of Greek law for the protection of individuals from the management of personal data, as supplemented by the decisions of the President of the Personal Data Protection Authority, Presidential Decrees 207/1998 and 79/2000, and Article 8 of Law 2819/2000, as well as European law. If a user does not agree with the terms of personal data protection, they should not use the services of this website. The administrator safeguards the personal nature of your information and may not transfer it to any third party (individual or legal entity) for any reason except as provided by law and only to the competent authorities. The administrator maintains records with the personal data, which the user provides solely for communication purposes. The user may contact the appropriate department to verify the existence of their personal record, request its modification, or deletion. Minors are allowed access to the website’s services only with parental or guardian consent and are not obligated to submit their personal information. If minors submit data, the administrator will delete the related information. The administrator may process part or all of the data you have sent only for statistical purposes and to improve the provided services and information.